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Insurance Blog

Home Insurance is Important but It Does Not Cover These Common Problems

For most homeowners, home insurance is almost a necessity. However, as crucial as it is, home insurance doesn’t cover everything. It’s important for homeowners, especially those in the Okemos, MI area, to understand what their home insurance doesn’t cover. This is why many rely on the friendly and experienced team at the Great Lakes State Agency for all their home insurance queries and needs.

Home Insurance: Important but Not All-Inclusive

Residents and homeowners in Michigan and the Great Lakes area are subject to various natural threats, such as flooding and earthquakes. In addition, homeowners often face issues like sewer-related backups, insect or rodent damage, and other common concerns. Unfortunately, these are some of the common issues that most standard home insurance policies don’t cover.

Fortunately, an experienced and knowledgeable agent can help homeowners address these issues. That’s why working with proven and professional agents for the home insurance plans and solutions you need to protect your home is a good idea.

Home Insurance Solutions for Homeowners in Okemos, MI

If you’re a homeowner in or around the Okemos, MI area and have questions about home insurance or need protection for your home, we can help. Contact us at the Great Lakes State Agency to learn more and schedule an appointment with our team today for all your home insurance questions, concerns, and needs.

Does My Auto Insurance Cover Houseguests who Drive My Vehicle During Visit?

Being a great host in your home means offering all the amenities that your houseguests need to feel comfortable. Many welcoming homeowners go the extra mile to make guests feel welcome, providing house slippers, a basket of goodies, chocolates, and similar treats. One of the most common tokens of generosity is allowing houseguests to use one of the family’s extra vehicles to get around town during their stay. However, your insurance representative at Great Lakes State Agency serving Okemos, MI, wants you to be aware of some important information before you hand over the keys.

When Your Insurance Covers a Houseguest

Most auto insurance policies include permissive use coverage, which means that if you permit someone to drive your car, they’re typically covered under your policy. This usually applies to short-term use, such as a visiting friend or family member borrowing your car for errands.

When Your Insurance May Not Apply

Your insurance may not cover a houseguest driving your vehicle. If the guest is a frequent driver during their visit, your insurer might require them to be listed on your policy. Coverage could be denied if your guest has a poor driving record or is an excluded driver on your policy.

How Claims Are Handled

In the event of an accident, your insurance may cover the damages first before the guest’s insurance applies. However, the driver’s insurance may provide secondary coverage if the damages exceed your limits.

Suppose you expect someone to drive your vehicle regularly. In that case, it’s best to check with your insurance representative at Great Lakes State Agency serving Okemos, MI, to ensure they’re covered before handing over the keys. Contact us to learn more.

The Importance of Commercial Insurance For a Dropshipping Business

If you’re running a dropshipping business from your home in Okemos, MI, you might feel somewhat detached from any potential liability. After all, in a dropshipping business, you don’t physically handle or ship the product. Alternatively, you might be the company that dropships merchandise to customers on behalf of your clients. Regardless of your role, your insurance representative at Great Lakes State Agency, serving Okemos, MI, wants you to know the inherent liability in a dropshipping business and the importance of a robust commercial insurance policy.

The Risks Associated with a Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping businesses face liability risks even if they never physically handle the products. If a customer is injured or harmed by a product you sell, your business could be held accountable. Commercial insurance can help protect you and your dropshipping business against unforeseen circumstances, including lawsuits and medical expenses. While the risk may seem small, it is present nonetheless.

Addressing Product Liability Issues

Products sold through dropshipping can sometimes be defective, leading to customer dissatisfaction or even harm. The seller often faces legal exposure even if the manufacturer is at fault. Product liability insurance can cover claims arising from defective or unsafe products, protecting your dropshipping business from expensive lawsuits.

Managing Risks from Property Damage

Commercial insurance also covers property damage caused by the products you sell. For instance, if an item you supplied damages a customer’s property, they may hold you liable. This type of protection ensures your business can handle these situations without bearing the financial burden directly.

Commercial insurance is essential for dropshipping businesses. It provides peace of mind and safeguards your business’s long-term success. Contact Great Lakes State Agency, serving Okemos, MI, to set up your commercial insurance policy today.

How Weather Patterns May Impact Homeowners Insurance in Okemos, MI

Living in Okemos, MI, means quickly becoming familiar with Michigan’s diverse seasons and unpredictable weather patterns. From heavy rain to snowstorms and potential risks of tornadoes, it’s crucial to always be as prepared as possible regarding your homeowners’ insurance. Understanding how the local weather patterns in Okemos may impact your insurance coverage and rates is essential. At Great Lakes State Agency, we can help you better understand how weather may impact your insurance to ensure you find the best policy and rate possible.

Understanding Winter Risks

Residents of Okemos, Michigan, may experience both mild and harsh winters, which can lead to the following potential risks:

  • Frozen Pipes: Excessive freezing temperatures can lead to frozen pipes, which can cause water damage and pipe bursts when left unattended. Ensure that your homeowner’s insurance policy protects against burst pipes or other winter weather incidents.
  • Roof Damage: Roof damage is also more prevalent during the winter in Okemos, MI, often due to heavy snow accumulation.

Storm and Flood Risks

Additionally, those living near Okemos are also at risk of severe storms, hail damage, and:

  • Fallen Trees: Fallen trees may cause significant structural damage.
  • Floods: Obtaining additional flood insurance is essential, as most homeowners’ insurance policies typically exclude flood damage protection.

Working with a local agency, such as Great Lakes State Agency, is ideal as they’re familiar with the local Okemos, MI, weather patterns and seasonal risks. Reviewing and assessing your homeowners’ insurance routinely makes it much easier to ensure your policy aligns with any unique challenges you face as a resident of Okemos. To learn more about how weather patterns impact insurance rates and to protect your investment in Okemos, MI, contact Great Lakes State Agency today for your quote and consultation.

Does rental car and towing coverages come standard on an auto insurance policy?

When looking for a standard auto insurance policy at Great Lakes State Agency in Okemos, MI, we understand that you want the most coverage for your money. You want your family protected if an unfortunate incident occurs on the roadways. You want protection both physically and financially. Furthermore, we understand that our vehicles are the lifeline that connects us with the rest of the world, so when they are in any hazard or peril on the highways, we want to ensure that we can have the problem rectified without holding up the function and flow of our everyday lives.

Rental and Towing

When you have been in a car accident or suffer a breakdown on the road, it can throw a wrench in your plans. It delays and hinders your ability to get to work, run errands for the family, and take you from point A to point B.

Rental car coverage is designed to allow you to have a rental car supplied to you for a set time after your vehicle has been in a peril covered by your insurance policy. The coverage pays for a rental car while your car is in the repair shop being repaired.

Towing coverage comes in handy when you have been in an accident and need your car towed to a body shop or when it breaks down on the road and needs to be taken to a mechanic.

Though these coverages seem like common sense coverages, they don’t meet the standard on most insurance policies. Instead, they are usually available for clients who purchase comprehensive and collision (what most consider full coverage) for an extra fee. However, there may be some exceptions.

Reach out to us today.

Call us today at Great Lakes State Agency to discuss your options and see if we can’t find rental and towing coverages that keep your life moving forward, even when there are a few hiccups along the way. We are conveniently located in Okemos, MI, so contact us at (517) 394-4800.

Is It Time to Resurface Your Parking Lot and Walkways?

Maintaining your business premises, including your parking lot, is crucial as a business owner. Regular resurfacing of your parking area and walkways enhances the property’s appearance and ensures safety. Resurfacing provides a fresh layer of asphalt and paint, reducing the need for excessive maintenance. Here are a few signs that it’s time to resurface your parking lot.

Potholes and Cracks

If your parking lot has developed potholes, it’s time to consider resurfacing. Potholes can pose a tripping hazard for pedestrians, potentially leading to expensive liability claims. Additionally, potholes can cause significant damage to vehicles. Cracks in walkways can also cause accidents, especially if heels get stuck in them. Areas with potholes and cracks tend to hold water, which can exacerbate the damage and degrade the quality of your parking lot. Addressing these issues promptly can save you from potential liability cases and costly repairs.

Faded Lines

Another sign that it’s time to resurface your parking lot is if the lines have faded to the point where parking spots are indistinguishable. This could lead to someone parking too close to another vehicle, causing damage and potentially making you liable for property damage. If you have designated parking areas for staff, loading zones, and customers, these must be clearly marked so that anyone entering the property knows exactly where to park.

If you’re in the Okemos, MI community or surrounding areas, get your commercial insurance quote today. Our Great Lakes State Agency team can assist you with the required coverage and other highly recommended options for your business.

Temporary Expenses That Your Home Insurance Policy May Cover

Temporary residential expenses may occur. The following text offers a review of relevant coverage details. Feel free to glance through your home insurance policy to understand it better.

If your home becomes unlivable, you might need to seek temporary housing and support for food and repairs. Your home insurance policy might provide coverage for these expenses.

Temporary Housing

Your home insurance policy might offer financing for temporary living accommodations. If the inhabitation of your home becomes impossible, you can opt for alternate dwellings like hotels, rental homes, or other temporary residences.

Your insurance policy might reimburse the expenses you pay for temporary housing. This type of coverage ensures a comfortable living situation when your primary residence becomes unlivable.

Food Costs

Being displaced from your home might mean temporary alternative dining arrangements. Additionally, being temporarily based in an alternate location could mount up food costs.

Your insurance policy might cover the extra out-of-pocket expenses you incur. Maintaining receipts for your purchases will assist in tracking your total expenditure while living in an alternate setting.

Repair Expenses

If your home is undergoing repairs while you are living elsewhere, you might face unusual repair expenses that you would generally not be accountable for.

At the commencement of home restoration, you should receive details about your financial responsibilities. Keep hold of any paperwork that pertains to these expenses.

Insurance Policy Review

If you have any questions about your home insurance policy, please contact one of our Great Lakes State Agency representatives. An Okemos, MI area agent is ready to assist you.

How Aging Affects Your Auto Insurance

Your driving record isn’t the only thing that can affect your car insurance rates. Age and even gender can also play a significant role. Here at Great Lakes State Agency, serving Okemos, MI, and the surrounding areas, we want to help you understand how all of these details impact your insurance. Keep reading to learn more.

Young Drivers

The youngest drivers, those who have just gotten their licenses as teenagers, are considered the most risky drivers on the road. As these drivers age, car insurance premiums will start to come down if they maintain good driving records. Many people aren’t aware that when your rates begin to come down as you get older, they don’t keep coming down forever.

Aging Drivers

The best insurance rates are for those in their 30s and 40s with great driving records. Unfortunately, after 60, rates start going back up again. This is due in large part to the scientific fact that as we age, our reflexes slow. People also start experiencing things like hearing loss, vision loss, and memory problems. All of these factors can work together to make driving far more difficult, and when driving is difficult, it’s more risky.

What Aging Drivers Can Do

If you are entering the age where rates are about to increase, the best thing you can do is keep an excellent driving record. Don’t engage in risky driving behaviors like speeding. The better your record, the better your rates.

If you’d like to learn more about auto insurance, please contact us at Great Lakes State Agency. We serve Okemos, MI, and the surrounding areas. We are happy to help you with your insurance needs today.

Insurance Considerations for Home-Based Businesses

Approximately 10 miles east of the state capital, Lansing, is the bustling community of Okemos, MI. It is home to many diverse businesses, including home-based ones. Home-based businesses present unique insurance needs to protect against theft, fire, and other unforeseen events that could disrupt their operations and livelihood. At the Great Lakes State Agency, we recognize the importance of commercial insurance in preventing severe financial losses.

Protecting Your Home-Based Business

Insuring a home-based business appropriately helps mitigate common risks unaddressed by standard homeowners’ policies. When choosing commercial insurance, please consider the following aspects:

  • Business Property: Commercial property coverage can guard your business’s essential assets against damage or loss resulting from numerous events, such as vandalism or natural disasters.
  • Liability Coverage: With commercial liability coverage, home-based businesses can cover damages or bodily injuries resulting from business activities.
  • Professional Liability: Claims of errors or negligence stemming from business operations can be financially devastating. Professional liability coverage protects service-based businesses from such scenarios.
  • Vehicle Use: Businesses using vehicles for business tasks like product transporting or delivery need commercial auto coverage.
  • Business Interruption: If your home-based business experiences operational disruptions due to a covered peril, business interruption coverage can compensate for the income lost.

Secure Coverage for Your Home-Based Business

Home-based businesses face many risks similar to their brick-and-mortar counterparts. The right commercial insurance policies can protect business owners from varied incidences, thus ensuring smooth operations. For guidance on choosing the most suitable commercial insurance for your home-based business, trust the Great Lakes State Agency professionals. Contact our Okemos, MI office today at 517-394-4800 to discuss your coverage requirements.

Three Ways That Home Insurance Protects You

Owning a home is a big investment, and every homeowner needs to protect their investment. You should never go without home insurance to protect yourself and your home. If you’re buying a home or looking to switch home insurance, call us at Great Lakes State Agency in Lansing, MI, to get started. 

Damage Repair

If your home is damaged by a damaging event, the house can have extremely expensive damage. Home repairs after a covered event can be incredibly high. It could be too costly for uninsured homeowners to pay for. However, the policy can pay for repairing these damages with home insurance. This protects you against great financial harm if something causes destruction to your home. 

Protection for Your Possessions

It’s essential to have your possessions protected as well as your dwelling. Losing your possessions could be extremely expensive. If you had to replace it all, it would probably be impossible for you to do so. The cost of replacing everything could be so high that your quality of life would go way down. To ensure your items can be replaced, ensure you have home insurance at all times while you own your home. 

Liability Coverage

When someone comes to your home and has an accident, you’re liable for all the expenses. It’s important to keep home insurance so the policy can pay these expenses, including medical bills. This can save you from huge expenses for medical and legal bills as well as lost wages. 

Get Home Insurance Now

You need this vital coverage, so don’t wait. Call Great Lakes State Agency in Lansing, MI.

Partner Carriers

  • AAA
  • Accident Fund
  • American Strategic
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • Chubb
  • Citizens Insurance
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Hanover
  • Hartford
  • Hastings Mutual
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Markel
  • Merchants
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers
  • Wolverine Mutual